Lt En Ru
E-mail:, tel. no. (+370 5) 233 97 86, mob. no. (+370 6) 001 85 22
Lt En Ru
E-mail:, tel. no. (+370 5) 233 97 86, mob. no. (+370 6) 001 85 22


The price of our services is determined assessing costs of the services provided and analysis of market prices. Wages is the major part of the cost for the services. Experts working in our company are experienced and competitive on the labour market. Considering that we base the price of services. We carry out periodically the analysis of market prices. We aim and know that the price of our services is always competitive.


A minimum price of services: 200 LTL.

There are two price calculation principles:


  • on the basis of the number of accounting documents or the hourly rates. Service prices shall be calculated as standard on the basis of the number of documents.
  • However, customers are always offered preferable price calculation method.
  • Our employees are well prepared, experienced and are able to offer the best advice gained through knowledge and experience.
  • We have more than 14 years of experience as a company in servicing various customers in the different business domain – no matter how small or large it is.
  • Where others see problems, we recognize opportunities. We are strong in our profession.
  • We understand wishes of business owners and directors to get more than just an accountant. They want to work with professionals capable to take care and advise, but above all to add value for the company.
  1. A team always has a higher level of competence, knowledge and experience than one individual.
  2. The key to increasing efficiency is a simple transmission and distribution of work. A company cannot be sick, go on holiday or disappear without valid reasons or similar.
  3. We are responsible of our activity in accordance with the Labour Code as well as the Civil Code. Our activities are strict controlled by laws, what gives you increased guarantees, it poses less risk to trust accounting to a company.
  4. We are a legal entity; therefore, relations are businesslike, objective and long-term. Mutual commercial cooperation is possible between companies.
  5. Motivation is free of charge by hiring a company. Unlike when hiring an accountant you do not pay for the training, holidays of an employee and do not invest into promotion or motivation measures.


The comparison of liability under the Civil Code and the Labour Code


Company Accountant
Under the Civil Code Under the Labour Code
Chapter 35, Article 6.718. Priority of the interests of the client 

  1. The provider of services must be honest and reasonable in the provision of services, so as to serve best the interests of the client.
  2. Having regard to the type of services, the provider of services must act, in the provision of services, in accordance with established practices and standards applicable to the relevant profession.
Article 35. Exercise of Employment Rights and Fulfillment of Employment Obligations 

  1. While exercising their rights and fulfilling their obligations, employees must comply with laws, respect the rules of communal life and act in good faith, adhere to the principles of reasonableness, equity and fairness.
Chapter 4, Article 6.292. Liability of a supplier of services 

  1. A supplier of services shall be bound to compensate for damage caused by defective services.



Article 253. Cases of Employees‘ Liability. An employee must compensate damage arising due to: 

  1. fines and compensation benefits which the employer had to pay through the employee’s fault.
Chapter 12, Article 6.256. Grounds for arising of contractual liability 

  1. Where a person fails to perform his contractual obligation or performs it defectively, he shall be liable to compensation for damages caused to the other contracting party and/or pay a penalty (fine, interest).


Article 255. Cases where Employees must compensate all Damage: 

  1. damage was caused deliberately;
  2. damage resulting from a criminal act of the employee;
  3. damage caused by an employee with whom a contract of full liability has been concluded;


Chapter 12, Article 6.251. Compensation of damages in full 

  1. The damages incurred must be compensated in full, except in cases when limited liability is established by laws or a contract.
  2. The court, having considered the nature of liability, the financial status of the parties and their interrelation, may reduce the amount of repairable damages if awarding full compensation would lead to unacceptable and grave consequences.  However, the reduction may not exceed the amount for which the debtor has or ought to have covered his civil liability by compulsory insurance.
Article 254. Limits of Employees’ Liability. An employee must compensate all damage caused to a company but not in excess of the amount of his three average monthly wages.Article 225. Limitation on Wage Deductions


  1. Every time when wages are paid, the total amount of all deductions may not exceed 20 percent.
  2. When making deductions from the wage established by the Government under several writs of execution, 50 percent of the wage payable shall be retained for the employee.

First, we look deeper into the business of the potential customer. We contact with a director or owner of the company and apply an accounting policy. We determine functions which will be carried out by us and by certifying staff of the customer. For instance, a customer will submit all invoices received and issued in the reference month as well as other documents to us and we will record in accounting, prepare tax return and report on the financial side to the customer; a customer itself will make payments to the suppliers and provide only bank statements and cash instruments to us.


If there is not a new company and the accounting was previously managed by a hired accountant, we take over these functions and carry out the work at our office, but not at your office or at home (compared to accountants who do the additional work).


Stages of the takeover of accounting:


  1. Analysis of the situation and requirements:
    • We review and analyze the data provided by the company;
    • We choose the most appropriate package of services, prepare action plan.
  2. According to the business field of the company we offer an accountant to the company.
  3. Preparation of accounting policies: defining procedures and allocating competences.
  4. Assessment of the situation and presentation of requirements
  5. The takeover of accounting:
    • Inquiry to the accountant about required documents and reports (transfer of data);
    • Assessment of accountant‘s report and transfer of data;
    • Request to provide additional information, if it is necessary;
    • Final takeover of the accounting data;
    • Presenting conclusions about the state of accounting to the customer, consulting;
    • Informing the customer about further activities.

It may be difficult to assess the quality of accounting services at the current moment. On the one hand, managers do not have criteria for evaluation of accountant; on the other hand, they do not have appropriately competence to recognize the mistakes made by the accountant. As a result, by transferring of the accounting to an incompetent accountant, mistakes made which are difficult to rectify and which lead losses for the company.


Signs of bad services


  • Debts. Our accounting data do not match the customer‘s or supplier‘s accounting data (For example, the available amount of trade by the accountant does not match the actual amount, or it is shown a debt in the accounting data, what actually does not exist).
  • Taxes. The outstanding account balances do not match your account statements (For example, the final amount of taxes payable in accounts does not match the data available to the Tax Inspectorate; it is a sign that taxes have been declared incorrectly).
  • You are not being informed about the financial situation of the company in advance:
    • The information about the profits and the amount of taxes payable is not submitted in time and is non-specific (for example, a company is profitable but the manager is not being informed about the results and the amounts need to be paid, so he cannot plan his cash flows);
    • You are being informed about the abusive debts rarely and not in time;
    • The checking of the actual cash balance delays (the actual cash balance does match the accounting data, if it does not match, this means a violation of cash operations, what includes penalties);
    • The consequences of the management‘s actions are not being explained to you clearly and in detail (for example, if you rewarded your employee with a recreational trip instead of bonus being paid, you must clarify the tax consequences of such a decision in detail);
    • Quantity and money terms of the stock balance do not match the actual stock (for example, if there are goods for LTL 10 000 in stock, it should be the same amount of LTL 10 000 in the accounting data too).
    • The actual fuel balance does not match the accounting records (if the company has two cars, there cannot be more than 140 litres of fuel left at the end of the month, because it cannot fit in the fuel tank, so it should be the same amount of fuel in the accounting data too).
    • Possibilities of legal tax optimization and tax relieves are not being used.
Know the price