chief accountant
(8 5) 2339786, mobile: 8 600 18522
Professional experience: 10 years
Education: post-secondary education
„Work with customers of different business area provide a real opportunity for continuous improvement. I make efforts to expeditiously and responsibly assist any person as well as to provide any appropriate information.“
Directions of activity:
- Wholesale and retail trade
- Import/export
- Pharmacy
- Transport services – carriers, forwarders
- Medical services
- Odontology
- Information technology and computer service activities
- Legal services
- Engineering services
- Labour recruitment, management services
- Trainings, seminars, conferences
- Brokering services
- Consultancy services
- Real estate developers, agents activities
- Construction
- Office rental services
- Hairdressing, beauty salons
- Online shops
- Pre-school education activities
- Education activities
- Public institutions